Friday, July 29, 2011

Blithe Spirit

Movie I saw today.

Ok, Rex Harrison of My Fair Lady fame is married to this somewhat fussy girl named Ruth. His first wife Elvira (pronounced in the much less cool British fashion instead of the Mistress of the Dark fashion: Elveera) died of some dumb Went Out In the Rain Too Long disease 7 years before. Charles (Rex) is some kind of writer.They hold a dinner party with their stuffy-ass friends and invite the local batshitter Madame Arcati so Charles can have some weird inspiration for his book. Madame Arcati is basically a crazy cat lady but with self-expressed psychic powers instead of cats. Anyway they have this seance and Madame Arcati accidentally brings back the spirit of Charles' dead wife, but only he can see it and his wife is pissed cause he's taking to the wall & stuff. This goes on for a while and Ruth starts to get jealous of this invisible lady (who is way cooler than she is) & goes back to Batshit Psychic to get her to take back the ghost. It doesn't work.

Anyway after some more seancing Ruth can finally see & talk to her husband's ex wife, which is naturally pretty strained. All 3 of them get bitchy and Elvira decides to kill off her ex-husband so he can live with her as a ghost. She screws this up and ghostifies Ruth instead. Madame Arcati sends both the she-ghosts back to the ghost dimension or whatever. She tells Charles to lay low for a while cause his boogeyman wives will likely get pouty and trash the house. The spirits basically kick him out and send him on vacation, but then he crashes his car (a setup the girls had planned) & they all get to be ghosts together forever.

This shows, I guess, the whole psychological process of 'letting go.' Your awesome wife is dead & you get remarried to someone not nearly as wicked awsome & you have to live with that, and in England no less. Anyway I suppose Elveeeera represents the memories of happier times that always stick in the back of the mind when you're busy faking to everyone that you love your current situation more than your previous one.  Comparing your Elvira to your Ruth is difficult, especially when they have the means to speak to each other. This is why people are afraid of ghosts. They blab all your secrets to the people you're keeping them from.Smarmy poltergeists....

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