Monday, August 22, 2011


One of my favorites. Thank you Netflix for the suggestion. I will still be cancelling you next week due to the imminent jacking up of your monthly fee.

I admit, the fact that this movie is super swishy European made it all the more intriguing for me. Plus, it's beautifully shot, the costumes are beyond gorgeous, and the actors are wicked fantastic. Nicely done, Spain.

So this is 1913. The upper class intellectuals are swooning over the new smart-guy fad: the study of philosophy and the unconscious mind. Mainly, Dr. Freud's theory that every thought a person ever has is driven by sexual urges. At that era, sex was rarely spoken about, so these smug Spanish psychologists were breaking new ground.

Half of the leading duo is Alma (Leonor Watling. Amazing. Plus, she's a singer), the young pregnant wife of a psychologist, Leon, who mysteriously deserts her in a frantic state. Desperate for clues to his whereabouts and motives, she enlists her sister's husband Salvatore (Luis Tosar, wonderful actor as well) to help her investigate.

Using Leon's thesis on 'hysterical women' as a guide, they begin a Clue-esque journey and  encounter various characters representing different portions of the psyche, ultimately being led to results more weird than any of us dumbo audience members could possibly guess.

So yeah. Get on that.

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